Thursday, July 11, 2013

that's the night the lights went out on Guam

So the power went out yesterday. On the whole island. It went out around 3pm and then didn't come back on until 9pm. I had just gotten home from taking our dog to the park. Thank goodness I made it home, because since the whole island lost power, all of the traffic lights were out as well. People can't drive on this island even when the traffic lights are working. 

I decided to take the party outside hoping to get some kind of breeze. It really wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the annoying flies. J got home from work and pulled up a chair and we discussed our game plan for the evening. We couldn't cook anything because we don't have a grill yet and we have an electric stove. I was worried about the food in the fridge spoiling so I decided to drink two of my Guinness before they could go bad. :) 

After sitting in the heat for 2 hours, J & I decided to head to the beach.  We sat there until about dusk and started noticing some lights coming on around the hotels (apparently all from generators). We decided to go try to find something to eat and ended up at Ruby Tuesdays. As we walked in, the whole restaurant went black for about 5 seconds but then came back up. We ate, came home, and the power was back on! Yay!!!

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