Friday, July 26, 2013

July 27, 2013 - the weekly recap

Time is going so fast. I can't believe that I've been here for a month.

I got my Guam driver's license. I hate having to do anything at any DMV in any state or territory. Guam's DMV is in a huge warehouse with a bunch of cubicles. When you first walk in, there is a wall with many pieces of paper tacked to it that contain just random instructions. I walked around for a bit but ended up just standing in the longest line. Luckily the guy in line behind me was from the States and he helped me. I went in fully expecting that I wasn't going to have all of the documents that I needed (as that usually happens with me and the DMV) but, surprisingly, two hours later, I ended up walking out with my Guam license.

I downloaded the MLB app on my phone and I'm able to listen to Reds games which I'm so happy about. Since the Reds are playing on the West Coast right now, the games usually start here at 12:10 p.m. I don't think I'll be listening to any business day specials at GABP, though. Those games would start here at 2:35 a.m.

J & I went to dinner at one of the restaurants in one of the hotels on the strip. I had mushroom risotto which I didn't finish so I asked our server to box it up. Our server came back with the food boxed up along with a waiver form to fill out and sign. What? Yes, I had to fill out a waiver saying that I understood the "dangers" of taking food to go. When I got the food out of the bag the next day, there was a note on the box saying the food that I was about to consume could be dangerous and that the hotel was not responsible. Jeez louise. Everybody calm down.

J & I went to see Pacific Rim and Red 2. Both movies were pretty good.

I told J last night that someone vandalized the Lincoln Memorial with green paint. (So ridiculous) J said, "Well what color green? Like neon green or like forest green? I need to know!" He's so silly and he cracks me up.

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