Sunday, July 14, 2013

doomsday preppers and come on a walk with me

Due to the island wide power outage last week, our doomsday prep was kicked into high gear. We are also just starting typhoon season in Guam which I think lasts for 6 months. Umm.. what? J said that the last typhoon that hit the island knocked out the power for 2 months. Yeaaaaa, I barely survived 6 hours. Anywho, so this is why we're prepping. J bought 2 generators and a gas grill. I now know how to work a generator. Never thought I would say that in my life. We also now have a plethora of working flashlights strategically located throughout the house. I have my very own headlamp too. Jealous? You should be. We will have to start stocking a water supply as well as canned goods (and wine. definitely wine.)

So, I just got back from a walk around our neighborhood and I just want to give everyone a little snapshot into the conversations I have with myself (not out loud but in my head) while I'm walking. You will notice a central theme:

"Dear God, what animal monstrosity is this?! Eww, eww, eww.... Oh, it's a half eaten porkchop. Who the hell throws a half eaten porkchop on the sidewalk?"

"Is that a dead frog? Augh. Don't look at it, don't look at it! Damn it, why did I look at it?"

"OH JEEZ THAT'S TOTALLY A TREE SNAKE! ... or a shoestring. Definitely a shoestring."


  1. I wonder if this is an island theme... power outages and doomsday prep.

    Reminds me of my hurricane days.

    Lesson #1. Don't open the freezer unless absolutely necessary. (It's really hard to eat a whole box of half frozen popsicles.

    Lesson # 2. Don't try to read by candlelight, while holding a candle in a low-ball glass container. By holding the candle at an angle, it heats the glass and can shatter, spraying hot wax all over your couch, the person sitting next to you, and your poor dog who was sitting in your lap.

    Lesson # 3. Don't put the patio furniture in the pool. They sink to the bottom. And while in theory, it's entertaining to have an underwater tea party, in actuality it's hard to drag water-logged steel furniture out of the pool.

    Lesson #4. Taping the windows doesn't do much, and it's a bitch to get the tape off. You'll need Goo Gone and a razor blade.

    Lesson #5. Just a general safety tip: You may want to also get a carbon monoxide alarm. Sometimes w/ those generators you have to be careful.

  2. Hi Guam prepers: You really should take a look at this site:
    This is a great tool to have. I use it myself and it does come in really handy. Helps me to know what's going on around me.
