Thursday, May 29, 2014

picking up our own balls and lies about apples

Last weekend the husband and I decided that we were going to do a bunch of adventurous things - driving range, snorkeling, hiking. The only thing we managed to fit in was the driving range. The weather did not cooperate for the rest of the weekend's activities. Hopefully, we will try snorkeling this weekend. It should be interesting since I've never been snorkeling before and I have a SLIGHT fear of underwater wildlife.

Anyway, so we decided to go to the driving range on base. The husband needed a golf glove and apparently I needed one too since he wouldn't let me wear my gardening gloves. Hahaha! So we stopped at the NEX on base first to buy some supplies. After we left the NEX, we headed to the driving range. There was not a soul in sight. We parked and walked over to the golf hut to get some balls. There was a sign on the hut that said buckets of balls were available for purchase at the fitness center. Augh. We got back in the car and headed to the fitness center. After we had an unnecessarily long conversation with the guy working the desk at the fitness center about what size bucket of balls we wanted, we found out the fitness center had no balls left. I was super annoyed at this point. SO, we left the fitness center and went back to the driving range. After checking to see whether there were keys in the ball truck, we decided we had come to far to turn around and go home, so we both picked up a basket and went out on the range and picked up our own damn balls.

We ended up having a great time as I normally do with my husband. He cracks me up. At one point, he lost the grip on his club during his back swing and sent that bastard flying into the top of a palm tree behind us. Oh my gosh, I was cracking up!!

Speaking of cracking up, we went to the grocery last night to get some apples (that's not the funny part). Ever since J and I have been grocery shopping together, I thought he told me he preferred Gala apples so we've both been buying that kind for months now. Well, last night we're standing in front of the multiple choices of apples and J asks me what kind I want. I said to just get Gala because I know that's the kind he wants. I said that I was more partial to Red Delicious but that I know he likes Gala so that was fine. He said that he liked Red Delicious and that he'd been buying Gala this whole time because he thought I liked Gala. SMH. We were laughing so hard at each other and talking about how our whole marriage has been a lie. Sometimes I wish there were cameras following us around just to witness our hilarity. I love my bear.