Tuesday, July 15, 2014

another day, another weird dream

Last night I dreamt that my mom was hosting a party at her house for my uncle and some of his friends. The only reason I know that the party was for my uncle was because, after I did what I'm about to tell you that I did, I was worried that he was going to be mad at me.

So, I walk into my mom's house and everyone is in the kitchen/family room. This blonde lady, who I do not know in real life, is sitting on the fireplace. My mom asks her if she wants a pizza. Why this lady was getting her own special pizza, I do not know. The lady responds, "Yes, get me a pizza," and then continues a conversation with someone else in the room.

I am cleaning up plates and things around the room. I'm also cleaning dirt from a few peach trees that were growing the corner of the kitchen. The trees had clearly outgrown their containers and dirt was everywhere. While I'm cleaning, I overhear this blonde lady tell my mom she wants a pizza. I immediately stop what I'm doing, look at the blonde lady and say, "In this house we say please!"

The whole room got silent. And I went back to cleaning up dirt.

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