Friday, December 6, 2013

a pox on your house

So I started working a part time retail job just to pass the time. Never again did I think that I would be working in the world of retail but, alas, here I am slinging for minimum wage. It does make the time go by faster and I've also lost weight from standing and moving around so much so there's a bonus.

Unfortunately, what comes hand in hand with working a retail job is that inevitably you will be dealing with disgruntled customers at some point. I made it a month before dealing with such nonsense. I had a lovely woman who became completely enraged with me. Why you ask? Is it because I punched her in the face? Or because I called her an old, fat hag?  No, no, no. It's because I asked her for her ID in order to process her return. Apparently, this is a strenuous activity. So, captain happy pants, hands me her ID and makes a comment about how she's never had to show her ID before. Riiiiiight because the store just started this policy yesterday. Which prompts her to say, "Oh, you must be new. This is just great." Like seriously, lady? During our interaction, there was nothing, absolutely NOTHING, about my temperament that warranted any nastiness from her. I was bubbly, then patient, then apologetic.

I get her return processed. Unfortunately, the computer puts part of her credit onto a store credit and, as a lowly sales associate, I can't tell the computer what to do.  It didn't make sense why the computer was doing this so I had to call over a manager who then called over another manager who then had to call a third manager. And do you want to guess who is taking the brunt of captain happy pants' frustration during this whole ordeal?  Yours truly. I was so angry that I was shaking by the time she shuffled away into the store to do some more shopping. Unbelievable.

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