Thursday, February 20, 2014

my life is a series of merriments

Today I had to drop off something for work at a business, or area of town for that matter, that I had never been to before. The thing about Guam is that pleasantries like Mapquest don't exist and you really can't Google an address. You MIGHT be able to pull up an exact address on Google Maps and get a satellite view but never a street view of anything. Street names change randomly here, some streets have multiple names, house/business numbers go up and down without explanation if you can even find a number in the first place. You really just have to drive to the area of town and hope for the best.

I finally found the building I was looking for today after making myself carsick from trying to drive and read and look and turn around and drive and read and look some more. I pulled into the parking lot of what looked to be a two story office building. There were two doors, one on each end of the building. I chose the door that I parked nearest to. I knew the office that I was looking for was on the second floor so I headed for the stairs.

I got to the second floor and there was a door in front of me that led to an office (not the one I was looking for) or I had the option to go right and walk around the back of the building. So I headed to the right. I arrived at another set of doors that were locked. To my left were stairs going back down to the parking lot. I headed down those stairs. Unfortunately, there was a gate and it was locked (from the outside apparently because that makes sense). Son of a bitch. This same set of stairs continued down another flight so I went down another flight and ended up.... in the underground parking garage. At this point, I was pretty sure I was about to be murdered. I scurried over to another flight of stairs to my right. I took those stairs up to ground level and then continued up to the second floor. And whattya know?! There was the office I was looking for!

Whomever designed that building is an asshole.

1 comment:

  1. At least you didn't get attacked by a pack of stray dogs/chickens/pigs/carabao/banana spiders.
